Why Bright Star Learning Daycare Inc (BSLD).?

Children are overjoyed to come to BSLD everyday because of our fun and interactive curriculum, structured recess and many other fun activities.

Certified Nutritionist, CPR and Medication Administrator

Hi. I am Saeeda Mughal and I am a certified Nutritionist, CPR and Medication Administrator.

Learn through Play

I have learned through My Education and experience with School and Daycare that a child best learns though fun activities like creative projects, Arts and Crafts and learning apps. My facility is equipped with all the modern amenities.

Sports & Crafts

in order to groom physically and psychologically, my Daycare has Indoor and Outdoor play areas where children can play freely under my supervision.

Photo Gallery

Quick Contact

Write us

Bright Star Learning Daycare Inc.

4301 San Carlos Dr, Fairfax VA 22030


Give us a call

Cell 571-408-0404
Off.  703-273-0575
Fax  70-691-0812
© 2020 Brightstar Learning Daycare inc. 4301 San Carlos Dr. Fairfax VA 22030
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